
Quality private school education imbued with a Christian worldview for children and youth entering K4 through 12th Grade.

Student Visit Day

Thank you for your interest in New Covenant Christian School!

When possible we like to schedule a visit day for students in grades 1–11 looking to enroll at New Covenant for the next school year. Your child will follow a student in his or her current grade through the academic day, eat lunch in our cafeteria (at no cost to you), and meet teachers and staff.

Please review the important information below. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule a visit, call the school office at 717.274.2423 or email Andrea Gordner, Admissions Director, at

When to arrive and depart

7:45 am arrival and dismissal at 2:25 pm.

Where to report

Please report to the school office. Come in the front door; go to the left and up the stairs. Turn left at the top of the stairs. The office is the first door on the left.

What to wear

Please refer to the Dress Code for guidelines.

What to bring

A book or other quiet activity, such as sudoku or puzzle books, is recommended in case a test is being given in a class during the visit. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not permitted.

What about lunch?

Your child may choose to eat the school lunch or may bring a lunch. If they eat the school lunch, there is no cost to your family. The school lunch menu can be found on our website.

What if there is inclement weather?

School closings and delays are posted on local radio and television stations. In the event of a two-hour delay, report to New Covenant at 9:45 am. If we are closed due to weather, we will call to re-schedule your visit.

please submit this student visit day request form…