
As a non-profit Christian school, we rely on and are deeply thankful for the generous giving of time and resources to New Covenant.

Shopping Programs

Gift Card Program

New Covenant family and friends now have access to the easiest fundraiser ever – you can earn money for the school simply by shopping! By spending what you normally spend on food, clothing, entertainment, gasoline, and dining out, you can make a financial contribution to the school.

First, purchase the gift certificates/cards from national and local vendors by placing your order to the school. Click here to view a current order form. Payment is made directly to the school by cash or check (payable to New Covenant Christian School), and gift cards are picked up at the school.

Order forms and payment must be submitted to the school by Monday morning of each week and certificates are picked up or sent home with students at the end of the week. New Covenant profits as a result of the discount that retailers give to the school for each purchase. Of the money that New Covenant receives, it goes toward families fundraising obligation. Friends and relatives who do not have children attending New Covenant may designate the family account to which they want money applied.

Available online too at For school information please contact Scrip Program Coordinator, Ashley Nolt.

Box Tops for Education

No more clipping! Simply scan each receipt using the Box Tops for Education app on your phone. Visit BoxTops for Education for more details.

Empties 4 Cash

This is a program that pays for used ink cartridges. Send used ink cartridges in a plastic baggie to the office. They are then redeemed for cash. No laser printer toner cartridges accepted!