NCCS Race Day was Friday, april 26, 2024

Donation deadline - now extended to may 15!

Thank you for your tremendous generosity towards our Race for Education fundraiser! By God’s grace and your faithful giving, we were able to meet and exceed our fundraising goal this year. Praise God!

Your giving enables us to continue cultivating spiritual growth and be “Rooted in Christ”! 

NCCS 2023/2024 theme verse is ...
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Colossians 2:6-7

On Friday, April 26, we invite family and friends to join us while raising funds to continue to provide a quality education and affordable tuition at New Covenant Christian School. Each student will raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a one-time, tax-deductible donation to our school.

Students will walk or jog around a designated area as many times as they are able in one hour’s time. You can also join us on this very special event day! Families and friends are welcome to participate on race day to “run” with your child or cheer them on!

To Sponsor or Donate by CHECK, please send payment to the school office. Be sure to indicate which students you wish to sponsor!

To Sponsor or Donate ONLINE now, simply fill out the form below!

Race for Education Donation Page Coming Soon!

In 2023 we were running inside, but take a look at our 2022 Race Day!